
Konesalista saattaa ensimmäisenä tulla mieleen esimerkiksi jokin koneistamo tai tehdas, jossa rakennetaan koneita, vaikka kyseessä onkin ”sali”, jossa on tietokoneita. Pienempiä tiloja voidaan kutsua myös serveri- tai palvelinhuoneiksi ja suurempia tiluksia varsinaisiksi datakeskuksiksi. Luonnollisesti datakeskusyhtiöllä tarkoitetaan siten siis yritystä, jonka liiketoimintamalli koostuu ns. konesalipalveluiden tarjoamisesta.

Today ends the intensive phase of the national TIETO22 cyber security exercise that started in February 2022, where both companies from different industries and authorities combined their expertise. About 120 organizations participated in the exercise, e.g. from the finance, media, security, and ICT sectors as well as government actors, such as the Police, the Finnish Defense Forces and the Finnish broadcasting company.

Tieto22 is Finland's largest cyber security exercise, where companies and authorities train together. The exercise is organized every two years, and this year the exercise focuses on preparedness in the financial sector. A total of around 120 different organizations participate in the Tieto22 cyber security exercise, as well as a wide range of authorities, such as the Finnish Police and the Finnish Defense Forces, as well as service providers from critical areas, such as the ICT sector and the media sector responsible for crisis communication.