Why choose Aurora Data Centers?

Aurora is the most innovative and trustworthy data center operator in Northern Finland. Our services are fully produced from our own facilities and properties. Aurora owns the whole supply chain from the distribution network to the PDU, enabling and quaranteeing full control and reliable maintenance.

In all of our operations, we take energy efficiency and material recycling into account. Our data centers operate on electricity generated by hydropower, and as the innovator in the field, our secured power supply acts as a disruption reserve for the Finnish grid. In this way we are contributing to the circular economy.


100% water- and wind energy

ISO 27001 ja Katakri sertifioitu


ISO 27001

Katakri 2015 F -part (physical security)

Katakri 2015 T -part (safety management)


24/7 guarded & supervised

We are certified with the international ISO 27001 standard and with the information security audit tool for authorities Katakri TL IV T & F sections.

ISO 27001 has been developed to standardize information security management systems from their creation to implementation and development. Having the standard's requirements for the company's operating methods is a strategic decision for the company, and it requires the company to comprehensively integrate it into the company's processes, management and control.

The purpose of the Katakri audit is to ensure that the organization is able to protect information kept confidential by the authorities. The purpose of the safety management sub-area is to ensure that the company has sufficient capabilities for safety management and the ability to implement safety principles as part of the entire company's operations.

Katakri's physical security, on the other hand, aims to ensure that information kept secret by the authorities is handled in such a way that only those concerned have access to it. This is aimed at, for example, with the physical security structures and arrangements of the premises, as well as the classification of personnel and the limitation of access rights.

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